
Tips For Choosing A Roof Color That Matches Your Home In Deptford, NJ

A Roof Replacement That
Fits Your Style

When it comes to residential roof replacements in Deptford, NJ, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

It’s your style. It’s your house. It’s your money.

That being said, most homeowners don’t want to have the house on the street that sticks out like a sore thumb. They don’t want the house that people drive by wondering what that person must have been thinking when they chose that roof to go with that siding.

Some of us get really anxious when making big decisions that aren’t exactly serious, but they do matter.

So when it comes to choosing a roof color for that roof replacement, you might have a hard time deciding on a color.

Perhaps you’ve asked your friends, talked it over with your spouse, or maybe you’ve even stopped the mailman to ask their opinion.

We here at Ameritech Services would like to help you with your roofing color decision-making by sharing a few tips on color matching.

Tips For Matching Colors For Your Roof
Replacement In Deptford, NJ

Your roof is one of the major choices you’ll make when it comes to the exterior appearance of your home in Gloucester County. So let’s get into the tips.

1. Contrast Is Key

First up is contrast. This is probably one of the most helpful things to know when deciding on color choices. You want your roof and siding to be different colors. Better yet, you don’t want them to even be close to the same color most of the time.

If you were driving by a house and saw a tan house with a tan roof, you might not be able to put your finger on it but you’d know something was off about that house.

It’s because most roofs contrast with the siding.

If you have a blue house, maybe you have a gray roof. With stone or earth tones, you could choose a brown roof.

With yellow or tan siding, you can pick a black roof.

You get the idea. Lighter colors match darker colors, and vice-versa.

White siding goes with almost any color, so it bends the rules a bit. You probably have seen or will see quite a few houses with white siding and white roofs.

All in all, keep contrast in mind when choosing a roofing color to match your house.

2. The Climate Matters

The climate where you live is also important for choosing the color of your asphalt shingles. In Gloucester County, you probably won’t have to worry about it being over 100° F for two-plus months out of the year.

The weather still matters though when choosing a color for your roof replacement.

Lighter-colored roofs will reflect more sunlight while darker-colored roofs will attract more sunlight.

Why does this matter?

A darker roof attracting more sunlight will lead to more heat in the attic and the rest of the house. Your house will be warmer during warm weather and take more energy to cool.

This is why it matters to you in Deptford, NJ. Having a lighter-colored roof like gray or white leads to better energy efficiency overall for the home. It will keep your house more comfortable and easier to cool in the summer.

This will save you money.

So it’s something to consider when choosing the color of your roofing materials.

3. Multicolored

If your house is multicolored, you may want to think twice before going with a multicolored roof.

It might not match as well as you think. In some cases, it can look jarring or tacky.

Instead, you might opt for a solid color roof that matches the accents of your home. Perhaps choose a color that brings out one of the more subtle colors of your multicolored brick or stone.

The reverse can also be true.

If your home has solid color siding, you could choose a multicolored roof to really give your house some pop.

Unique looks stand out, and some homeowners really want to put their personality into their home’s exterior.

With these tips, you’ll have a better idea about the colors you’re considering for your shingles.

If you’re looking for a roofing company for a residential roof replacement in Deptford, NJ, give us here at Ameritech Services a call at (856) 418–1029 to schedule your free consultation.
