A vent on a Mount Laurel, NJ home with Ameritech services

How Does Roof Ventilation Help Maintain A Healthy Roof On My Home?

How Does Maintaining Good Roof Ventilation
Help Your Mount Laurel, NJ Home’s Roof?

Ameritech Services Explains The Importance
Of Having A Dependable Venting System

Your vents are among the unsung heroes of having a happy, healthy home with a well-maintained roof. You should know that proper roof ventilation for your Mount Laurel, NJ home is very important.

At Ameritech Services, we’ve created this guide to share information about why ensuring you have proper ventilation for your home’s roof matters. Read on for everything you need to know about the importance of having excellent roof ventilation.

A Proper Venting System Ensures Moisture Stays Away

The purpose of ventilation is to allow moisture to escape from your home from wherever it was created, be it the shower, bathtub, furnace, air conditioner, or other appliance – it shouldn’t stay in the house!

Unfortunately, when ventilation gets blocked or doesn’t work right, that moisture can get trapped in the ventilation system or attic. When moist air gets caught up, you have the potential for the development of mold, mildew, and other nasty wet byproducts. If you don’t catch these problems early enough, they can impact your roof and roofing structure.

We’ve seen homes with poorly working ventilation systems that led to damage within the home’s decking and interior roofing materials.

Hot Air From The Attic Causes Ice Dams

The temperature within your attic needs to be well-regulated and even. Poor attic ventilation can quickly create new problems for your roof, especially in the winter. Improper ventilation easily throws off the temperature in your attic, which allows warm air to escape in some places.

The result is more chances for ice dams. Ice dams form when some roof parts warm up while others remain cold. The warm parts begin to melt snow and let the snowmelt trickle down the roof. As snowmelt drips down the roof, it can refreeze on a colder section near the roofline.

When an ice dam grows big enough, it can damage your roofline and gutters and even melt back into your house. Have your roof and ventilation inspected by a professional roofer to prevent ice dams.

To make matters worse, an improperly ventilated roof could void your warranty on your shingles.

Warm Air And Moisture Are Bad For Your Roof Hardware

Like ice dams, temperature regulation is important for your attic year-round. An attic that gets very hot in the summer can build up heat and moisture that gradually wears away at the adhesive that helps hold roofing materials together. In the winter, the opposite happens as materials shrink or contract.

The result? Shingles get warped from becoming very hot – aided by hot air within your attic in the summer, then exposed to the cold condensation of warm and cool air combined in the winter. Temperature shifts can lower the overall lifespan of your roof as they tend to curl under these conditions.

Poor Venting Is Unhealthy For Your Energy Bills

While your roofing hardware can’t survive as long as it should when you have poor ventilation in your Burlington County home, your energy bills will also take a beating. Inconsistent attic temperatures will cause your furnace and air conditioner to work harder. When these systems work harder, higher heating and cooling bills often occur.

Your heating and cooling bills don’t quite tell the whole story, though. Your furnace and air conditioner are only meant to work a specific number of hours before they get worn out. Overworking these appliances will mean replacing parts sooner – including potentially replacing your entire system.

Call Ameritech Services For Your Mount Laurel, NJ
Home’s Ventilation And Roofing Needs

Our expert roofers at Ameritech Services will diagnose venting system issues and help you understand what is happening with your roof. Ensure your roof lasts as long as possible by keeping your ventilation in top condition. Get started today by scheduling an in-person consultation or calling 856-418-1029.
