A Mullica Hill, NJ, Home With Asphalt Shingle Roofing

Factors That Affect Your Residential Roof Replacement Project’s Total Costs In Mullica Hill, NJ

From The Roofing Materials To
Your Roof’s Size, Learn What
Impacts The Total Cost Most

One of the biggest concerns with a residential roof replacement for Mullica Hill, NJ, homeowners is the cost. Planning your investment and knowing how you’ll fund the project are essential steps of the process. 

As you’ll soon find, when you compare roofing contractors, there is no set price you can count on. Companies charge different rates, and several factors can affect the project’s total cost.

This article will explore the different factors that can impact your project’s total costs. 

Roof Size, Roof Shape, And Roof Pitch

When roofing contractors evaluate your existing roof, they’ll use three essential factors to help determine the cost of replacement: roof size, roof shape, and roof pitch. 

The size of your roof will determine how much material is needed to cover it and how many hours of labor will be needed to perform the work. The bigger the roof, the higher the cost. The square footage of your roof should not be confused with your home’s square footage. It includes the roofing over all covered living spaces and the following:

  • Lanais
  • Garages
  • Walkways
  • Entryways 
  • Overhangs

Additionally, the greater the pitch or slope, the more money you can expect to pay, as the labor becomes increasingly harder and less safe to complete. The pitch will also determine the type of underlayment your new roofing system will need. 

Any type of intricate shape will be harder to work around, increasing the total project cost.

Your Newly Chosen Roofing Materials

The materials you choose for your residential roof replacement on your Gloucester County home will significantly impact your overall costs. Not all roofing materials are created the same. Within brands, there are major deviations in quality based on which line you select.

Considering the best quality options is ideal for long-term results because of the major investment you’ll make with a new roof. However, you will pay more for these choices. 

On top of the physical material you choose, you’ll need to consider the other roof parts. If there is damage to crucial parts of the system, or if they’re worn out, they’ll need to be replaced. These parts can include:

  • Vents
  • Decking
  • Flashing
  • Underlayment

Some of these parts are replaced regardless of their state due to a new roof being installed.

How Well Your Roofing Contractors Can Access
Your Mullica Hill, NJ, Home’s Roof

When the roofing contractors don’t have easy access to the roof on your home in Mullica Hill, NJ, it can drive up the cost. This is due to the increased time it will take them to work. They’ll need to find ways around obstacles to get materials onto the roof and debris off of it. 

Different factors can affect your roofers’ access. For example, a lot of shrubbery around the home can make the work more challenging. A fence that blocks the dumpster and materials from the roof will make transport significantly harder. 

Cost Of Disposing Of Old Roofing Materials 

Hauling the debris away following a residential roof replacement isn’t cheap. Because of this, you need to ensure the cost is included in the quote provided by the roofing company. If it’s not, this surprise fee will be tacked on later. 

Number Of Penetrations In Your Shingle Roof

Chimneys, vents, and skylights are examples of penetrations. The more you have on your roof, the higher the total project cost. Working around these penetrations is challenging, requiring more manpower for the installation.

The larger the penetration, the greater the cost. They will take more material and time to add flashing than smaller penetrations.

How Much Roof Decking Needs To Be Repaired
Or Replaced During Your Roofing Replacement

The roof decking is a critical component of your roofing system. It’s what all the other parts are connected to. When your old roof is stripped off your Gloucester County home, the roofers will inspect the decking. Any damaged parts will be repaired or replaced.

The more that needs to be replaced, the higher the total cost. This number will not be known upfront, as the decking must be laid bare to inspect it.

For A Residential Roof Replacement Done Right In
Mullica Hill, NJ, Turn To Ameritech Of New Jersey

Don’t settle for the first roofers you come across to complete your residential roof replacement in Mullica Hill, NJ. Turn to a company with years of experience delivering excellence in home improvement services.

At Ameritech of New Jersey, our primary goal is to care for our customers’ needs. We aim to deliver the best experience on every project. 

Call Ameritech of New Jersey today at (856) 418–1029 to schedule a quote.
