Professional Window Replacement With Ameritech Services In Blackwood, NJ

Do Your Windows Still Work?

What To Look Out For In Aging Windows

Windows are certainly an important part of your home’s hardware. These panels of glass allow needed sunlight in while keeping everything else out all with the flexibility of opening to let some fresh air in.

Older and failing windows give some obvious and some rather subtle signs that they are wearing out. A professional window replacement company in Blackwood, NJ, like Ameritech Services, has some great insight on what to look for.

Do Your Single-Hung Windows Have Drafts Coming In?

It might go without saying that you shouldn’t feel a slight gust of wind while next to a window. If standing near your picture window overlooking your yard prompts you to wear a sweater, that’s a good sign that something is wearing out.

Drafty windows are a sign that something is wrong with the window. This could include worn-out weatherstripping, which is a common culprit and also a potential sign that the window has some moisture leaking in.

It’s also possible that the wrong weatherstripping was used for your climate, and it became brittle. Like weatherstripping, bad, loose, or missing caulking is problematic and a frequent cause of drafts.

Are Your Energy Bills Getting Higher?

Drafts are an easy sign that your windows are letting air in, which also means that this air affects the temperature of your home. Additional cold or hot air will make your furnace or air conditioner work harder to keep up, resulting in higher energy bills year-round.

Unfortunately, this can cost you twice. When your air conditioner or furnace works twice as hard, they are likely to wear out faster, making for an expensive replacement or repair that could happen again without window replacement.

You Have Gaps In Your Vinyl Windows

Windows and window frames are meant to align properly in order to seal the window from the outside world. Any issues with the frames and the joints that hold them together should be visible with separations between parts.

Your windows also have seals made of silicone, neoprene, or felt. These can fail over time for normal reasons like contracting and expanding with the weather, which creates a gap over time. These are rather difficult to repair or replace yourself, so you should contact a professional window installer in Camden County to get some help.

Are Your Sliding Windows Hard To Open Or Close?

You shouldn’t struggle to open or close windows. These are signs that either the window frame is off or your whole foundation is having an issue. You’ll also probably notice this more when trying to close your windows for the changing seasons.

Have your windows inspected to see if the problems come from a worn-out frame or a shifting foundation, causing things to come out of alignment.

You See Condensation In The Window
Glass – And It Won’t Go Away

To be clear, some condensation is normal during the winter when the outside of the window is much colder than the inside. Constant condensation not controlled by a dehumidifier or condensation that shows up on warmer days means moisture is coming in through the windows. This is a time to consider replacement or repair.

Vinyl Window Frames That Are Moldy Or Falling Apart

Mold spots on the frames of your windows are a definite sign that moisture problems are out of control and are getting a little too settled into your windows. Consistent moisture can also cause wood frames to become brittle, worn out, and start to fall apart. These are definite signs that replacement windows are needed.

Call Ameritech Services For Window Replacement
Services Near Blackwood, NJ

Ameritech Services offers professional window installation. We love helping our customers save money with energy-efficient windows and picture windows. An in-person consultation is a great way to start the process of learning more about windows. Call us at 856-418-1029 to get started!
